News & Updates
19/01/2025: Site Updated!
Thank you for your time. The site has been updated with new features and more news.-----28/12/24: 2024 In A Paragraph
Since the new year is coming up, I would like to take a look back at the start compared to the end of the Geoffrey Zone's 2024 run.I made more than a channel or a magical place (joke), I made a community of Toys R Us kids to come and hang out. Our Discord is one of them. With 68 people so far, I am looking forward to what's next. Reading your comments just warms my heart and puts a smile on my face.I even spreaded public announcements of everything Toys R Us (btw there is a new location in Panama) and other news related to Toys R Us. Also, if you remember, I spreaded the word of the Harlem State Plaza location when it opened and I try to comment on every video Toys R Us posted.Also, I couldn't made it this far without these people: DatKoopaLady21, Destination1995, TheBabyGeeZone5, my siblings and GigiGiraffe24.Once again, I would like to thank you all for everything that started from the beginning, I am very excited for what 2025 will bring. Thank you, everyone!!!------17/12/2024: Site Updated!We love Christmas, and so does Geoffrey. Check back later as we continue to remodel our site.
----3/12/2024: Merry Christmas!
We all wanted to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of our Toys R Us kids. Love ya folks.----28/11/2024: R" Email is Back!Know something we don't know about Toys R Us? Our email is back and ready to hear your thoughts and questions. Feel free to leave us a message at: [email protected].-----29/11/2024 (Update): Tribute to Toys R Us Canada!The following locations were closed this year:
#2465 - Pembina Crossing, WI (Opened 2013)
#3505 - Thornhill, ON (Opened 1984)
#3528 - Mississauga, ON (Opened 1989)
#3539 - St. Foy, QC (Opened 1991)
#3577 - Greater Sudbury, ON (Opened 2010)
#2460 - Drummondville, QC (Opened 2012)
#2467 - Hamilton (Stoney Creek), ON (Opened 2013)
#2470 - London (Argyle), ON (Opened 2014)
#2474 - Orleans, ON (Opened 2014)
#2416 - Halifax, NS (Opened 2023)Let's take a moment to look back and wish them a farewell.----That's all the news for today. Check back later.
ATTENTION: TOYS R US KIDS!!This section has been moved to another site. You will be redirected to this site by clicking this link:
YouTubeOur YouTube channels The Geoffrey Zone (launched on October 26, 2023) are the home to everything Toys R Us.Subscribe today!
DiscordOur Discord server (launched originally on June 2022) has 60+ members every day. We like to come here frequently and hang out, plus, you get to chat to a actual Geoffrey the Giraffe (W.I.P).So, come on in and join the party.